Package aisa

Auto-Information State Aggregation

This is a python module aimed at partitioning networks through the maximization of Auto-Information. If you use this code, please cite the following paper:

State aggregations in Markov chains and block models of networks,
Faccin, Schaub and Delvenne, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127(7) p.078301 (2021)
ArXiv 2005.00337

(data used in the paper to analyse the ocean surface currents can be found in the Github repo ocean_surface_dataset)

The module provides also a function to compute the Entrogram of a network with a suitable partition. The Entrogram provides a concise, visual characterization of the Markovianity of the dynamics projected to the partition space. In case you use this, please cite the following paper:

Entrograms and coarse graining of dynamics on complex networks,
Faccin, Schaub and Delvenne, Journal of Complex Networks, 6(5) p. 661-678 (2018),
ArXiv 1711.01987

Getting the code


The following modules are required to aisa to work properly:

  • numpy and scipy
  • networkx
  • tqdm (optional)



AISA can be installed directly from PyPI using pip with the following:

pip install aisa


Alternatively one can download the code here and unzip locally or clone the git repository from Github. From inside the module folder you can run:

pip install aisa


On the terminl run:

$ pip uninstall aisa


Read the online documentation that describes all classes and functions of the module.

Some simple notebook examples on module usage are provided in the examples subfolder:

  • a simple example of computing and drawing the entrogram() and detecting the partition that maximize the auto-information in a well know small social network, see in nbviewer
  • an example on how to build a range dependent network and find the partition that maximize auto-nformation, see in nbviewer


Copyright: Mauro Faccin (2021)

AISA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

AISA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Check LICENSE.txt for details.



Utility functions and classes.


def best_partition(graph, T=None, beta=0.0, init_part=None, kmin=None, kmax=None, invtemp=1000000.0, compute_steady=True, tsteps=10000)

Find the best partition for graph.


graph : nx.Graph or nx.DiGraph
The graph to be aggregated (a random walk is considered as dynamical system)
init_part : dict, optional
initial partition to start the optimization. (Default: N singletons)
T : int, default=None
time scale parameter value. Default to None, meaning it will in fact use T=1
beta : float, default=0.0
model selection parameter.
kmin : int
minimum number of partition to be accepted
kmax : int
maximum number of partition to be accepted
invtemp : float, default=1e6
the inverse of the pseudo-temperature for the simulated annealing process
compute_steady : bool
If steady state need to be computed. (Default: True) If False, the steady state will be the marginal.
tsteps : int
Maximum number of steps in the optimization process. (Default: 10k)


partition : dict
Dictionary with nodes as keys and partitions as values.
autoinformation : float
Value of the autoinformation


ValueError :
init_part should be None or dict
def entrogram(graph, partition, depth=3)

Compute the entrogram for the graph and the given partition.

A random walk is assumed as Markovian process on the original network.


graph : nx.Graph or nx.DiGraph
partition : dict
A dictionary with nodes as keys and values as classes.
depth : int
The number of bars the final entrogram should have. (Default: 3)


entrogram : tuple
  • ( H_{KS} )
  • list of entrogram entries
def merge_pgraph(pgraph, beta=0.0, kmin=1, kmax=inf)

Hierarchical merging of classes.

pgraph will be updated to the best encounteded partition.


pgraph : PGraph
A graph plus partition.
beta : float
Model selection parameter (Default: 0.0)
kmin : int
minimum number of partition to be accepted
kmax : int
maximum number of partition to be accepted
def optimize(pgraph, kmin, kmax, invtemp, tsteps, beta=0.0)

Optimize the partition enbedded into pgraph.


pgraph : PGraph
A graph plus partition.
kmin : int
minimum number of partition to be accepted
kmax : int
maximum number of partition to be accepted
invtemp : float
the inverse of the pseudo-temperature for the simulated annealing process
tsteps : int
Maximum number of steps in the optimization process. (Default: 10k)


best_partition : dict
best partition after otpimization (pgraph will be updated accordingly)


class PGraph (graph, init_part=None, compute_steady=True, T=None)

A graph with a partition.

Initialize from networkx graphs.


graph : nx.[Di]Graph()
The graph
init_part : dict
initial partition to start the optimization. (Default: N singletons)
compute_steady : bool
If steady state need to be computed. (Default: True) If False, the steady state will be the marginal.
T : int
time scale parameter value. (Default: 1)

Instance variables

var nn

Return the number of nodes.

var np

Return the number of partitions.


def autoinformation(self, beta)

Return the autoinformation value for the current partion.


beta : float
model selection parameter. (Default: 0)


autoinformation : float
the autoinformation
def merge_partitions(self, part1, part2)

Merge partitions into one.

Merge partition part1 and part2 and update pgraph accordingly.


part1 : int
integer index of the first partition to be merged
part2 : int
integer index of the second partition to be merged
def nodes(self)

Iterate over nodes names.


def partition(self)

Return the partition.


partition : dict
a dictionary with nodes as keys and classes as values.
def print_partition(self)

Try to print the partition to screen using ASCII chars.

def set_partition(self, partition=None)

Set/Change the graph partition.


partition : dict
The partition to be set. A dict with nodes as keys and classes as values